
Saturday 7th December  – at 11.30 a.m. –  Castle of Grinzane Cavour – FESTIVAL OF FRIENDSHIP


11.30 am        Entrance of the Ruling Council into Sala Maschere
Address by the Grand Master welcoming the guests


In vino veritas – a history of the vine and wine through the Zodiac

Presentation of the book “Journey amidst the food and wine brotherhoods of Italy


Presentation of the 2019 “Friend of the Territory” Award to:

                        Vezia Rode and Michele Leone


12.30 pm         following aperitifs, our Michelin star chef Marc Lanteri will display his
culinary skills in the Castle Restaurant in the typical Langa menu attached hereto.




Hand-pinched chestnut agnolotti with Bra sausage
Roero Arneis DOCG “Arenarium” 2018 – Cantina del Nebbiolo

Farmhouse Salami


A celebration of vegetables with Bagna Cauda or olive oil dip in an earthenware pot

A cup of broth


Mixed boiled meats with green, red and honey-based sauces

Alba Tuma cheeses with Marc Lanteri’s classic cognà chutney

Dolcetto d’Alba DOC 2018 – Boasso di Boasso Franco Az. Agr.



Organic egg and Moscato d’Asti DOCG zabaglione with home-made cornmeal cookies

“Fruve” (boiled chestnuts) and seasonal fruit (mandarins and nuts)

Moscato d’Asti DOCG 2018 – Bera Valter Az. Agr.


Coffee and Alba Nougat



The wines accompanying the appetizers and dishes have been picked from among the Winners of the 45th Selection chosen by the Order’s Tasting Panel.